December 2022 – You Find Pte. Ltd.

You Find Pte. Ltd.

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Month: December 2022

Hong Kong Baptist University

“HKBU has appointed YouFind as digital agency for Facebook maintenance and for 2 years. YouFind successfully reached and engaged our target audience with frequent feeds and advertisements that have simple and colorful designs and funny wordings. YouFind also helped us handle inquiries in time and provide proper actions, so we never received complaints during the …

Hong Kong Baptist University Read More »


“HKBU has appointed YouFind as digital “YouFind helped us gain greater exposure to our target audience who can search for us easily on search engines. Its employees are attentive and equipped with technical knowledge. We are pleased with YouFind’s customer-centric approach! “agency for Facebook maintenance and for 2 years. Eddie Chan Engagement Manager Easycorp

Geneva Tourism Board

“China is a huge potential market, and YouFind offered us massive support in helping us promote our events and messages through innovative social media campaigns on Weibo and WeChat. YouFind employees are sensitive to current trends and skillful in creating popular posts, which is why we choose YouFind as our online marketing advisor!” Lei Zhao …

Geneva Tourism Board Read More »

My Seasons

“YouFind always tailors our needs as a wedding venue provision company. lt cangrasp accurately what desirable attributes our customers are seeking in searchingand so it can successfully promote our corresponding unique features. We are elated to have YouFind as our supportive advisor for online marketing campaigns!” Faye Senior Marketing Executive My Seasons


“YouFind offered us a one-stop social media platform management service. It designed creative and original content that raises the audience’s attention and is capable of rallying to spread our company’s message. Its effective coordination of our online marketing campaign in both Hong Kong and the mainland saves us from worries and makes our brand positioning …

Ricola Read More »

Dr. Protalk

“Both product quality and online reviews matter to establish the popularity of a cosmetic product. YouFind’s comprehensive one-stop service is crucial for a successful promotion of our products. Get YouFind service to acquire further online prestige!” Liv Choy PR & Marketing Manager Dr. Protalk


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